The past November (a few days ago) we had our annual Awareness Month! Awareness Month is always very fun for me because i love love love raising awareness for pulmonary hypertension! I went the extra mile this awareness month by having TWO fundraisers!
The first one was a month long.
Race Of Our Lives is a team of women,
Team PHenomenal Hope, who are doing the Race Across America. Patients across the country, me included, are doing Unity Races, walks or biking or whatever, to help raise money and awareness.
My Unity Walk was called 30 Miles in 30 Days.
well, I didn't make the 30 miles in the time I thought I was going to, but I'm continuing to walk throughout out December. Walking can be difficult for someone with Pulmonary Hypertension since we get short of breath, and tired, and and and and... so quickly. so after walking a couple of miles, i'm out of energy for the rest of the day, sometimes next day and even the day after that. so I fell behind, even walking 2 miles sometimes 2.5 miles. In total, in November, i walked 15 miles. and of course, I have my granddaughter that I look after while her parents are at work.
So I'm continuing to walk thru December and am already at just at 20 mile mark! :-D I'm pretty proud of that! Check out my first giving page and watch a video that shows just how difficult it is for me to walk...
The second fundraiser I did last month was at a place where we decorated pottery. It was such fun! I have no idea how much we raised, but thru the generous donations from a patient in Northern Virginia, and some rings I made, we had items to raffle off! such fun! The place was packed for the entire time we were there. We had cake that was donated to us from the local Giant grocery store, and the PHA Central Fund donated drinks and decorations.
We all had a blast!
Another thing that i did this awareness month, which I do all throughout the year, was make PH awareness images. I am so glad so many people liked the images I made this year and shared them throughout facebook, pinterest and instagram!
just a few images I made for awareness month