Thursday, January 17, 2019

Cheryl Switzer we will not forget you

I tried to find a pic of us both together from when I went to San Fransisco and i went to visit her.

Cheryl Switzer started PHCentral.Org together with Michael, who lost his beloved to PH, Carol , Ph'er who lost her battle , and her husband, Armond.
PHCentral was always a volunteer website that strived to give patients as much support, help and information as humanly possible.  This was how I met Cheryl. I volunteered as much as I could, and ran a few boards, such as PH Land.
Cheryl was a small woman in stature, but her ideas were huge, and her love for life was bigger! She worked so hard to keep PHCentral going, but it seems it wasn't enough. The time for PHC came to end, but even though I didn't keep in touch with Cheryl, I am sure her work to support PHers, did not end.

We lost a pillar in our small community a few days ago. Someone who lived her life to help us, those PHighting against Pulmonary Hypertension.

And our community has gotten exponentially smaller !
Breathe Easy Cheryl ! You are already missed

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