Monday, May 6, 2019

Lilly Detelion

I met Lilly in 2014, as I was visiting. my mom. She was probably 7 or 8 years old, a sweet little thing, who was always on the go and always smiling. Lilly's mom and I became facebook friends, and when I would go visit my mom, I would stop in and say hello.
A few years later, I moved in with my mom and I believe Lilly and her family had already moved away, just about an hour away.  I followed Lilly on social media and seemed to be doing wonderfully, she was usually giggling with her classmates, or posing with friends.

That's why it came at such a huge shock to me to find out that Lilly had passed away. I don't know if anyone knows what happens, besides her family. My heart sank, I actually felt it sink. My arms started tingling, and I broke down crying.

I honestly HATE this disease! It has taken away so many of my PHriends. It has robbed so many children of a future they should have had, and a childhood that they deserve.

I imagined Lilly as a young woman, she could have conquered the world! She could have been anything she wanted. It just really really hurts my heart, and each time I think of her, I am reminded just how bad losing her really is.

Breathe Easy Lilly, and Rest in Peace.
I love you!!!