Tuesday, March 13, 2018

What have I learned, for myself and about myself

  1. As much as i want to, i Cannot work, not so much due to PH but fibromyalgia pain. 
  2. Depression is so much worse if I don't take care of myself.
  3. Financially I cannot due this on my own. I've had to swollow my pride and ask for help from family and the state
  4. With help, I can not just survive but thrive
  5. This is not the death sentence they said it was, I have had nearly 20 years since I was diagnosed, 18 years longer than the docs said I had!
  6. I have to be gentle with myself, not berate myself if I cannot do something due to limited energy or funds or depression, or whatever.  I do what I can when I can and that just has to be enough, for me specifically.
  7. I have to take care of myself and advocate for myself, no matter how scared or incompetent I may feel.
I have found myself to be much more fulfilled and happier when I follow the above.
It's been a very rough road. And I know I'll hit bumps and snags and may end up in the proverbial ditch now and again, but with God's help, I can get out of it again!

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