Saturday, January 18, 2014

Strength and Courage

What makes a person strong? What gives them strength? Why do they carry on when everything seems to bleak and dark? 
Is it that the strength and courage was in them all along, or did it just come up in times of adversity? 

Faith, family, love, these have always been within us. I think our courage in times when we have nothing to hold onto, comes from deep within. Perhaps, if you believe, courage comes from the soul. 

We pray for strength and courage, and of course, God hears our prayers, but I think it was within us all along, and perhaps, we believe that God has granted our prayers when we are stronger than we ever thought we could be. 

“I know God won't give me anything I can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much.” 
― Mother Teresa

I know I feel like this! 

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